The best mathematics lesson you have taught in grade 3

1 answer

One of the best mathematics lessons for third graders I've taught focused on the concepts of addition and subtraction through a fun, interactive game called "Math Mystery".

Lesson Title: Math Mystery

Objective: Students will be able to solve addition and subtraction problems using critical thinking skills while working collaboratively.


  • Index cards or paper
  • Markers
  • A large envelope or box
  • Small prizes (stickers, erasers, etc.)


  1. Prepare index cards with different math problems (both addition and subtraction) tailored to third-grade-level skills.
  2. Write clues leading to the next problem or to a "mystery" location in the classroom where a small prize is hidden.


  1. Introduction (10 minutes):

    • Begin with a short review of addition and subtraction concepts using visual aids (like number lines or blocks).
    • Explain to the students that they will be detectives solving a Math Mystery today.
  2. Group Formation (5 minutes):

    • Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students, emphasizing teamwork and collaboration.
  3. Math Mystery Game (30 minutes):

    • Give each group a set of index cards (starting with the first addition or subtraction problem).
    • Have them solve the first problem together. Once they find the correct answer, they’ll find a clue that leads them to their next math problem located around the classroom.
    • Continue this process until they have solved all problems, with each correct answer leading to the next clue.
  4. Conclusion and Prize (10 minutes):

    • Once all groups finish, gather the class to discuss what strategies worked best and what challenges they faced.
    • Reveal the location of the mystery prize for all groups to enjoy as a reward for their hard work.
  5. Reflection (5 minutes):

    • Ask students to share what they learned about addition and subtraction and how they worked together as a team.


  • Monitor group interactions and problem-solving approaches during the activity.
  • Review the problems that each group solved to assess understanding and correctness.
  • Use a brief exit ticket asking students to write one thing they learned and one thing they enjoyed about the lesson.


The "Math Mystery" lesson became a highlight of the year for students, creating an engaging environment where they learned and practiced their math skills while fostering teamwork. The excitement and collaboration made the lesson memorable, and students looked forward to future math challenges.