The Australian grass tree, from the genus Xanthorrhoea in the lily family, grows to a height of about 4.5 m, bears long narrow leaves in a tuft at the top of the trunk, and produces yellow or white flowers in a spike above the leaves. A yellow-flowered tree was self-crossed. The seeds were collected and planted. The resulting progeny were 28 yellow-flowered trees and 8 white-flowered trees.

Write the genotypes of the parental yellow-flowering tree and its progeny, using Y and y to designate the different flower-colour alleles

Parental genotype: ?

Genotype(s) of yellow-flowering progeny (if more than one genotype, separate genotypes with a comma and a space, eg. AA, Aa):?

Genotype(s) of white-flowering progeny (if more than one genotype, separate genotypes with a comma and a space, eg AA, Aa): ?