The Assignment: research a current environmental issue start the process of creating your own news story

Step 1:

list three or four topics or issues related to the environment that you're interested in studying and writing about



choose the topic from your list that you think is most interesting and write a couple sentences about why you like this topic and what you'd like to know more about

What are the main issues and subtopics that your article should address so that it explains your topic clearly?

What new questions will you need to explore so that you understand the topic well enough to explain it in your article?

Step 2:

When writing a news story, you want to keep the following in mind

1 Include facts

2. Have a short, snappy, and informative headline.

3. Provide a summary, but don't give everything away.

4 Provide quotes to show people's opinions If you are writing a fictional news story, it is ok for these quotes to be fictional as well

5 Chunk your information into paragraphs based on the sections in the outline.

Type your snappy headline.

This headline will serve as the title of your article.

What is the main issue?

Who is involved?

What is happening?:

When and where is it happening?

Why is it happening? (OPTIONAL)

What started it or how did it happen?

What are some possible solutions?

Step 3:

return to step 2 and "meat" out your information and turn each separate box into 2 paragraphs. And include quotes from experts.

Type Your Script

1 answer

Step 1:

1. Plastic pollution in oceans
2. Deforestation
3. Climate change
4. Endangered species conservation

I am most interested in researching plastic pollution in oceans because it is a global issue that is affecting marine life and ecosystems. I would like to know more about the sources of plastic pollution, the impact on marine life, and potential solutions to reduce plastic waste in our oceans.

Main issues and subtopics to address in the article: sources of plastic pollution, impact on marine life, efforts to clean up oceans, and solutions to reduce plastic waste.

New questions to explore: How does plastic pollution harm marine life? What initiatives are in place to clean up oceans? What role can individuals and businesses play in reducing plastic pollution?

Step 2:

Headline: "Global Efforts to Combat Plastic Pollution Threatening Marine Life"

Main issue: Plastic pollution in oceans
Who is involved: Environmental organizations, governments, businesses, individuals
What is happening: Efforts to reduce plastic waste and clean up oceans
When and where: Ongoing globally
Why: Plastic pollution is harming marine life and ecosystems
Solutions: Recycling, reducing single-use plastics, cleanup initiatives

Step 3:

In recent years, the issue of plastic pollution in oceans has gained global attention as scientists and environmentalists warn about the detrimental effects on marine life. According to a report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, there could be more plastic than fish in our oceans by 2050 if current trends continue. The main sources of plastic pollution in oceans include plastic bottles, bags, and microplastics from cosmetics.

Dr. Sarah Wilson, an oceanographer at the Marine Conservation Institute, stated, "Plastic pollution is a growing threat to marine life, with thousands of species being affected by ingestion and entanglement. It is crucial that we take action to reduce plastic waste and clean up our oceans before it's too late."

Efforts to combat plastic pollution in oceans include beach cleanups, recycling programs, and bans on single-use plastics. The Ocean Cleanup, a non-profit organization, has developed innovative technologies to remove plastic waste from oceans and rivers. However, more needs to be done to address the root causes of plastic pollution and promote sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics.