The “Articles of Confederation,” created a government so weak that it wasn’t able to govern the nation effectively leading to serious national problems among the states leaving the Constitution to fix the chaos the Articles had caused and attempting to build a new central government.

hi i wrote a question under government couple of topics below, and this is my thesis. can you please comment on it

The “Articles of Confederation,” created a government so weak that it wasn’t able to govern the nation effectively leading to serious national problems among the states leaving the Constitution to fix the chaos the Articles had caused and attempting to build a new central government.>>
That is good, however it is difficult to read.
what about...
The Articles of Confederation organized a government that wasn’t able to govern the nation effectively; just a few years later the Constitution was in place to remedy the chaos and to build a government on a more centralized model.

do i need quotation marks around articles of confederation or when i write constitution

No. The Articles of Confederation is a proper noun (so captalize), and constitution is not. If you had written Constitution of the United States, that is a proper noun, and it needs capitals . Quotation marks are used for titles, articles, and poems...the title of which do not stand by themselves. Articles of Confederation is a title that stands by itself.
That is the grammar rule as I understand it. Electrical engineering and physics have more certain rules.