The application of paraphrasing begins with understanding the terms used in a text. Below you will find vocabulary from Extract A and several definitions for each word. Consider each of the definitions and determine which definitions work in the context in which the word is used in Extract A. For definitions that do NOT work in the context, select "None of the above". For definitions that DO work in the context, select the word that is defined.

Extract A:
The earliest written record of social media can be traced back to Leonsis’ 1997 definition of social media as a platform where users can discuss and participate in social activities. The development of internet technology enabled the establishment of social media such as Wikipedia, blogs, Twitter and Facebook and social media practices such as microblogging. At present, the concept of social media is relatively broad and in this article it is defined as a website or platform that gives users greater autonomy to express and exchange their views.

Social media is a sociable and media-oriented platform that enables the spread and exchange of information facilitated by current social relationships. One example of such a social relationship is workplace relationships. It is evident that employees' motivation for sharing their hobbies, expertise and opinions is becoming stronger because of social media.

Researchers state that social media promotes knowledge sharing through capturing and producing knowledge, which overcomes organisational boundaries. Social media transforms the online information transferring process from centralised, intermittent, and consciously constructed repositories into repositories of decentralised, continuous, and emergent knowledge, which has a contradictory influence on knowledge sharing.

The popularity of social media has also raised many questions about its effect on knowledge sharing. However; there is evidence that:

• social media has penetrated many different organisations;
• most employees agree on the existence and function of social media; and
• many companies have realised the value of social media.

(Adapted from: Zhao, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, J., Zhang, Z., & Ordóñez de Pablos, P. 2020. How do features of social media influence knowledge sharing? An ambient awareness perspective. Journal of Knowledge Management DOI: 10.1108/JKM-10-2019-0543)

A. Microblogging
B. Knowledge-sharing
C. Intermittent
D. Repository
E. None of the Above

1. The activity or practice of posting updates, ideas or simply quick notifications.

2. Writing short posts, specifically on Twitter, as a form of sharing thoughts and ideas.

3. The exchange of knowledge between and among individuals, and within and among teams, organizational units, and organizations.

4. The capturing, management and distribution of key information within a business.

5. A space or platform where information is stored.

6. A place where a natural resource is found in significant quantities.

7. Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.

1 answer

A. Microblogging: 1, 2
B. Knowledge-sharing: 3
C. Intermittent: 7
D. Repository: 5