The answers for the ''Age of Earth'' practice test are as follows...
1.) Which describes the law of superposition used to find the relative age of fossils in focks?
Answer: Fossils in bottom layers are older than fossils in top layers
2.) Which statement correctly describes the relative dating of rocks?
Answer: It describes the age of rocks compared to other rocks
3.) Which is correct about the fossil's relative age?
Answer: The fossil must be older than 10 million years
4.) Which method can be used to find the absolute age of fossils?
Answer: carbon-14 dating
5.) What is the difference between relative dating and carbon dating?
Answer: Relative dating is used in rock formations and fossils while carbon dating is used in organisms
6.) What explains the existance of Mesosaurus fossils in both africa and South America?
Answer: The Earth's continents were once joined together
7.) which is evidence of a supercontinent?
Answer: The coastlines fit together like a puzzle
8.) Which is done to collect evidence of continental movement?
Answer: mapping the ocean floor
9.)Which data supports the seafloor spreading hypothesis?
Answer: Bands of magnetic reversals in ocean rocks
10.) Which is explained by Hess' seafloor spreading hypothesis?
Answer: Fossils found on the ocean floor are much younger than those on contients
11.) Which statement describes the creation and destruction of ocean rock as they undergo seafloor spreading?
Answer: New rock is created at mid-ocean ridges and is then reabsorbed in ocean trenches
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