Draw a diagram. It will be clear that if the pole has height p and the building has height h, then
h/145 = tan34
(h-p)/145 = tan26
The Angle Of Depression Of the Top And The Foot Of A flag Pole As Seen From The Top Of A buildings 145 Meters Away Are 26Dgree And 34Dgree Respectively. Find The Heights Of The Pole And The Buildings.
7 answers
h=97.8025 and
It is good but it will be better if you drow the diagram.
Where is the whole solution ?
it will be much more better if you depict it.
The angle of depression of the top and the foot of a flagpole as seen from the top of a building 145m away are 30⁰ and 45⁰ respectively Find the heights of the pole and the building
97.8 and 21.5