Margaret's estimated length is between (5812 - 0.05*5812) inches and (5812 + 0.05*5812) inches.
5812 - 0.05*5812 = 5812 - 290.6 = 5521.4 inches
5812 + 0.05*5812 = 5812 + 290.6 = 6102.6 inches
Margaret's estimated length is between 5521.4 inches and 6102.6 inches.
The actual length of a desk is 5812 inches. Margaret estimates the length of the desk and finds her percent error to be less than 5%.
What range of values represents Margaret's estimated length?
Enter your answers as decimals or mixed numbers in simplest form by filling in the boxes.
Margaret's estimated length is between_____ inches and ______ inches.
1 answer