The story contains 685 words.
The action begins when I returned from a fun trip of picking ripe, juicy, blueberries for my mom for her to make her most legendary blueberry pancakes-yum! but as i walked in the magical forest with the fruitful smell of the blueberries dancing in the air. but right as I was going to daydream about my moms’ legendary delicious pancakes my thought twirled into puppy possibilities! I can’t even imagine a small eared dog with a long waggy tail running and coming to my adventures with me we will literally be the best duo ever picking blue berries together, racing through the magical forest and even sharing secret hideouts and then suddenly the peaceful quiet forest will turn into pure joy and a playful playground waiting to be searched and explored and that’s all I was thinking with a puppy by my side.
Then, I sat down on the kitchen table with the juicy, ripe, blueberries I had picked for my mom my heart was racing as a speeding race car with courage “mom, dad I had thought about this in the forest walking back home and I thought I’m ready for a puppy!” I had said with excitement Boling inside all round me and inside of me I had even pictured a vivid image of all the ways I could care for it like I could talk daily walks with it, training, cuddles, and way more I could even imagine racing in the forest, and playing hide and seek, exploring new parts of the forest but of course my parents were not on the same page as me because the gave me weird looks and shaking there heads no with there arms crossed. But obviously that did not darken my spirt! I was determined to show both my parents that I could be responsible enough to care for a furry friend I have courage not to give up.
After that, a while later I was standing in the living room with my heart racing with nerves and excitement I could hear both my parents yapping back in forth “we can’t handle such a big responsibility” says dad but mom came in and said “ but it would bring such joy in our house hold” they were still at it talking about either or either not to get a puppy and I could not just stand there hearing my parents talk about probably not getting a puppy, so I got the courage and toke a very deep breath Rady at any moment and time to jump in the argument with all the reasons why a puppy would bring joy and happiness to are life “come on mom and Dad just think about all the playtime and giggles and how adorable a puppy will be able to post” I pleaded with big bubbly puppy eyes had given them mission clear so far I had to show my parents and for them to have my trust to have a little bundle of joy with us at home!
The story ends, when my parents finally agreed to getting a puppy, I could not even contain my happiness! But nothing could prepare me for what was about to happen the moment when the little bundle of joy hopped in our living room I could tell something was not right his eyes sparkled with glitter and mischief and that was as I knew that was no ordinary puppy my heart raced as I had discovered that magical puppy had a magical mind of understanding something so difficult to understand that puppy was exactly what I needed wither it was cuddlees during a storm or helping me out during hard times or the puppy cute charm when I was doing homework and it was to much for me to understand or bear turn out that this bundle of joy I had could help me solve my everyday conflicts with just its playful spirt or its charm. And that is when my mom started laughing with happiness and joy knowing we have the perfect family while making blueberry pancakes. Who knew such a little thing could bring joy, happiness, and harmony into our lives?
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