the 15 amendment - ratified in 1870 prohibited states from using race or color as standards for determining the right vote
the 19th amendment- ratified 1920 prohibited the states from using gender as a voting qualification
the 23 amendment- ratified in 1961 granted the residents of Washington,D.C
a voice in the selection of the president and vice president
the 24 amendment- ratified in 1964 outlawed the state poll tax as a requirement for voting in national elections
the 26 amendment- ratified in 1971 prohibited states from denying the vote to anyone eighteen years old or over
1. the overall effect of the five amendments was to extend the vote to
a. a larger portion of U.S citizens
b. a limited number of citizens
c. tax-paying citizens
d. citizens qualified by race and gender
e. those citizens who must pay for the privilege
2. all of the following factors contributed to the need for the amendments EXCEPT
a. some eighteen-year-old wanted to exercise their right to vote
b.before 1964 some state prohibited citizens who could not pay a tax from voting
c. before 1961 residents of washington,D.C could not vote in national elections
D. the U.S Constitution had no authority over the states
E.lawmakers considered the right to vote an important one in a democracy
3. which statement about the five amendments appears to be the best summary ?
a. they affirm the right of women to vote
b. they limit the right of U.S citizens to vote according to where they live.
c. they prohibit the use of certain requirements as voting qualifications
d. they permit certain qualifications to be used in voting
e. they prohibit some citizens from voting
4.which of the following potential voters appear to have been givrn greater protection by most of the five amendments?
a. 21 year-old white male from California
b.60 years old white make from Mississippi
c. 45 year old female from new york
d. 30 year old black male from Pennsylvania
e. 19 year old black female from Washington d.c
11 answers
2.not sure about
Please try again on 1 and 2.
2. c
But the 23rd amendment let the citizens of Washington, D.C. vote for president and vice president for the first time.