For the pronoun "he" —
nominative (subject) = he
objective (any kind of object) = him
possessive = his
Then think about placement in the sentence:
subject — active verb — (indirect object) — direct object
subject — linking verb — predicate noun or adjective
(and any prepositional phrases that may be thrown in)
That is he, the famous hockey player who scored several goals in the Stanley Cup Final.
In this sentence, “he” is a(n)
1. Nominative pronoun
2. Objective pronoun
3. Predicate nominative
4. Possessive pronoun
5. Adjective
It's not 1, but I'm not sure if it's maybe 2?
8 answers
Hint: It's not 2.
Sorry, I don't really understand.
Would it be predicate nominatives then?
What is the main verb in that sentence? Active or linking?
If it's an active verb, what comes after it?
If it's a linking verb, what comes after it? (Another hint: not an object!)
If you don't know, please read all about verbs and the other terms I gave you in my first reply.
If it's an active verb, what comes after it?
If it's a linking verb, what comes after it? (Another hint: not an object!)
If you don't know, please read all about verbs and the other terms I gave you in my first reply.
Yes, predicate nominative.
Thank you so much for all your help with everything! :)
You're very welcome!!