thanks it like...

25g 50ml float 0.5
65g 40ml float 1.625
36g 35ml float 1.0285

and ya 1 more question

what is the difference between mass and weight?

4 answers

Answered below. You need not repost question and answer. Just respond to the original.
Mass is a measure of how much matter an object has. Weight is a measure of how strongly gravity pulls on that matter. The mass of a stone would be the same irrespective of where you measured it, be it on Earth, the Moon or in deep space. The weight on the other hand is different in each of those three locations.
i just compared saw like whether it is 3.98
3.98 is the temperature of the water. Look up the density at 3.98 degrees C and compare THAT number with the density of each object. The density of water is about approximately 1.00 at the temperature but look it up to get the exact number.