Thank you very, very much indeed!
Here is the second part, concerning the scientific and linguistic objectives.
The question is: " What are the concrete objectives of the partnership"?
1)Scientific objectives
- describing the biodiversity, the presence of macroinvertebrates as a marker for water quality in waterways in each school's local area by carrying out microbiological, physical and ch- identifying possible influences on the biodiversity caused by human activity and as a result of this
sensibilising the pupils for the interaction of differents ecosystems
- understanding what kind of protection and sustainablilty measures are already taken
- listing common pollutants and sources of polluted sewage
- documenting the results of the research by creating a common data base and pedagogical material.
- explaining the results during environmental days in the respective natural parks
emical analysis of the water
Our head science teacher wrote:
"To make students practically understand some fundamental techniques of chemical and microbiological analyses, of observation and of geological interpretation" ( I need to integrate this into the scientific objectives)
1 answer
In this context, the word "concrete" means specific and detailed. I would also take it to mean the specific results of the students' work and study: what ideas lead to what actions/experiments ... and what conclusions do all these things lead to?
Scientific objectives
- developing pupils' practical understanding of some fundamental techniques of chemical and microbiological analyses, of observation, and of geological interpretation
- describing the biodiversity of the water in the specific area or park
- identifying the presence of macro-invertebrates as a marker for water quality in waterways in each school's local area by carrying out micro-biological, physical, and chemical analysis of the water
- identifying possible influences on the biodiversity caused by human activity and as a result of this
sensitising the pupils to the interaction of different ecosystems
- understanding what kind of protection and sustainablilty measures are already in place
- listing common pollutants and their sources
- documenting the results of the research by creating a common database and pedagogical material
- explaining the results during environmental days in the respective natural parks
You may want to put the objectives in a different order, but they are all in the same (parallel) format now.