Thank you very much. I retyped the sentences you checked. Can you please tell me if everything is correct? Thank you.

1) A violent crime was committed against a member of the hero’s family.
The ghost of the previous king, the elder Hamlet, appears to his son, Prince Hamlet.
He urges Hamlet to avenge his death.
Hamlet has a series of doubts as he tries to carry out his plan of vengeance.
2) Hamlet has a close relationship with the audience through the asides and soliloquies. There are many scenes of bloody action (bloody acts are committed) and several deaths occur throughout the play.
3) Hamlet becomes more and more isolated and his isolation turns into madness.
4) A Ghost, resembling the late King of Denmark, appears to Hamlet and his friend Horatio and tells him that he has been murdered by his brother Claudius, who poured poison in his ear while he was sleeping in his orchard. He asks Hamlet to avenge him but to leave his mother’s punishment to heaven.

1 answer

1) All OK.

2) Hamlet has a close relationship with the audience through the asides and soliloquies. There are many scenes of bloody acts, and several deaths occur throughout the play.

3) Hamlet becomes more and more isolated, and his isolation turns into madness.

4) A ghost, resembling the late King of Denmark, appears to Hamlet and his friend Horatio and tells them that he has been murdered by his brother Claudius, who poured poison in his ear while he was sleeping in his orchard. He asks Hamlet to avenge his death, but to leave his mother’s punishment to heaven.