Thank you very much for helping me. I still have a few sentences regarding the same novel for you to check.
1)The novel consists of three parts and is set at the end of the 19th century.
2)The story begins with a group of men on a ship, Nellie, in the Thames estuary.
3)They are waiting for the tide to turn so the ship can leave the port. The first narrator introduces the other men.
4)One of them is the sailor, Marlow. To help pass the time Marlow begins to tell the others about an experience he had in Africa.
5)In particular, he talks about his first commission for a Belgian company involved in the ivory trade in the Congo.
6)Kurzt was regarded to be the best company’s agent since he managed to supply more ivory than the other agents.
7) He had set up his camp in the very heart of ivory country. Marlow learned that Kurzt was seriously ill and that the other ivory agents, who were jealous of his success, hoped he did not recover.
8)Marlow’s ship was damaged and he was forced to spend two months repairing it.
9)Marlow heard more about Kurzt. His curiosity was such that meeting Kurzt became his aim.
10) During the voyage Marlow met several people, who referred to Kurzt as a very remarkable person. His ship was attacked by hostile tribesmen and a member of his crew was killed.