Thank you very much for helping me. Here are some more sentences on the same theme (a continuation) I need you to check. Thank you.

1) In Shakespeare’s day the second course was the main part of the meal. 2) Waking life is imagined (was imagined?) as the first course, which gives some food to existence, but it is sleep which gives the greatest strength for life and is the chief nourisher. 3) Since Macbeth murdered Duncan in his sleep, this supernatural voice tells him that he himself will never be able to sleep again for he has murdered Duncan as well as sleep.
4) He thought he heard a voice. These voices tell him that in committing the murder of Duncan he has deprived his life of sleep.
5) Sleep straightens out into a pattern (knits up) the confused mass of care. Care is imagined as a mass of silk unworked into threads, each thread being a problem or a worry.
6) Sleep straightens out these threads of worries into a clear pattern, and they are worries no longer. Sleep is imagined as a bath after heavy work.

1 answer

2. is imagined

3. comma needed

4. present tenses?

5. <<Doesn't make sense. If the silk is "unworked into threads," how can each "thread" (which apparently doesn't exist yet) do anything?

6. OK