Thank you very much for helping me.
Can you check these sentences, too? Thank you.
1) According to Venetian law a debtor was given a thirty day grace period after the deadline in order to pay his debt.
2) If the debtor failed (or had failed) to pay the money back by this time, he could be sold into slavery or hanged.
3)Before this decision was made, the court allowed an extension of three days, in (on?) which the creditors were allowed to cut off bits of his flesh.
4)This practice was intended to persuade the debtors's family to find the money and pay off his debt.
5)As Christians were not allowed to lend money at interest, many Jewish people made money through usury.
6) As a consequence of their discriminaion, many Jewish people left England and went into exile .
7) In his treatment of Shylock Shakespeare did not simply echo the common (anti-semitic) steroptypes popular at his time but he aimed at promoting a message of tolerance towards Judaism.
8)Shylock says that the Jews are entitled to be as much human beings as Christians.
9) Can you say : to catch up maths (if you have missed maths classes?)
10) What was life for the Jewish communities like in 16th-century Venice?
11) In what way is Shakespeare's Shylock a complex character?
1 answer
thirty-day (needs hyphen)
delete "in order"
3. "during" rather than "in" or "on"
4. "debtor's" (not debtors's)
5. Use "Because" rather than "As"
7. comma after "Shylock"
8. Shylock says that Jews are entitled to be considered human beings as much as Christians are.
9. No, you'd say this: to make up failed math classes (or to make up a failed math class)