1 and 2 are fine IF you put periods at the end!!
In 3, either word works; put a period at the end.
4 = If someone broke God's laws, many would suffer, but in the end, the guilty party would be punished and order would be restored.
In 5, "contains" because the subject is singular. And what belongs at the end?
6 is fine, but put a comma after "revenge." And what belongs at the end?
7 is fine -- what belongs at the end?
Thank you for your last suggestions
Can you tell me if the following statements are all possible?
1) Antony stirs the crowd against Brutus
2) He turns the crowd against him
3) He urges/incites the crowd to mutiny against him
4) Is this sentence still wrong?
If someone broke God's laws, many would suffer but in the end the guilty party would be punished and order
would be restored.
5) The grains group contain iron (or contains?) iron
6) Out of revenge (is it correct) she poured the milkshake over him
7) Mickey and Storm work as waiters (is waiters correct?)
1 answer