Thank you for your last corrections!
Can you please check the following statements,too? Thank you very much in advance.
1) She finds it very satisfying when she gets the right verdict.
She can garantee that with Calstra telephone services he will make substantial savings on his phone bills.
2) Once he has registered, he just has to dial 1052 before any of his calls and he'll be able to get advantage of the discounts.
3) She believes the cream is great for any kind of skin irritation, insect bites and mild sunburn.What is the cream. What is the cream great for?
4) He has just left a note for his flatmate on his answer phone. He informs him (shall I use the past tense?) that the computer isn't working and that a technician is coming round to have a look at it in the afternoon at about 2.
5) As he has got a lunchtime meeting, he won't be back until 3. He asks his flatmate if he can stay in till then. If not, he wants him to phone his assistant so that he can arrange things differently (?)
6) The Romans called them the bread basket of the Mediterranean, because so much of the wheat that was grown there was used for flour that was made into bread that was eaten everywhere (how can I simplify this?)
7) With the arrival of tourism the whole situation changed and most of the agricultural workers whent into the hotel and restaurant industries.
8) The flight announcer is urging the passengers travelling to Mallorca on flight 766 to make their way to Boarding Gate 5 where the plane is fully boarded and ready for departure.
9) If the passengers don't present themselves at the gate immediately, their luggage will be taken off the plane. They will then have to collect it and travel on a later flight.
1 answer
3 -- needs another question mark -- do you see where?
4 -- yes, use past tense
5 -- delete "got" -- run-on after "meeting" -- use "until" not "till"
6 -- who are "them"?
The Romans called the area the bread basket of the Mediterranean because so much of the wheat used to make bread was grown there.
7 -- comma after "changed" -- watch spelling ("went")
8 doesn't make sense. If it's fully boarded, why would anyone be going to that gate?
9 -- fine