Thank you for your help.
1. Today was Mid-Winter Day. It is a big holiday in Antarctica.
[What is the part of speech of 'in Antarctica'? Does it modify 'is' or 'holiday'?]
asked by rfvv
Aug 23, 2018 at 3:05pm
"in Antarctica" is a prepositional phrase modifying "holiday."
Remember that modifiers are best used when as close to what they modify as possible.
posted by Writeacher
Aug 23, 2018 at 3:07pm
Thank you.
1. Today was Mid-Winter Day. It is a big holiday in Antarctica.
2. Today was Mid-Winter Day. It is a big holiday of Antarctica.
3. Today was Mid-Winter Day. It is a big holiday at Antarctica.
[Can we use 'of' instead of 'in'? Any differences in meaning? What about #3? Here can we use 'at'?]
1 answer
No. The prepositions "at" and "of" do not fit here.