Thank you for your explanations. I clarified the possessive adjectives as you suggested to me.I have problems with sentence 3 and with the words preceding the question marks.
1)In return for Prospero's kidness Caliban showed him all the features of the island: the freshwater springs, the saltwater pits, the barren places and the fertile ones.
2) Now Caliban curses himself for doing that. He wishes he could use all the magic spells of his mother Sycorax against him and plague him with toads, beetles, and bats. Caliban is the only subject Prospero has in his kingdom.
3) Now Prospero keeps him prisoner on the island. He pens him up in that cave (he keeps him shut up/locked up like a farm animal) and doesn't let him go anywhere else on the island.
4) Prospero calls him a liar, who responds better to the whip than to kindness. (who can be influenced only by punishment and not by kindness).
5) Prospero says that in the past he took good care of Caliban and let him stay in his own hut until Caliban tried to his daughter. Caliban replies that if Prospero hadn't stopped him, Caliban would have filled the island with a race of Calibans.
6) Miranda calls him a horrid slave, who can't be trained to be good, and who is capable of anything (?) evil. In the past she pitied him, worked hard to teach him (how) to speak, and taught him some new thing (?) practically every hour.
7) When he didn't know what he was saying, and was babbling like an animal, she helped him find words to make his point understandable.
1 answer
2) Now Caliban curses himself for doing that. He wishes he could use all the magic spells of his mother, Sycorax, against him<~~?? and plague him<~~?? with toads, beetles, and bats. Caliban is the only subject Prospero has in his kingdom.
3) Now Prospero keeps him<~~?? prisoner on the island. He pens him up in that cave (he keeps him shut up/locked up like a farm animal) and doesn't let him go anywhere else on the island. <~~Both your alternatives are possible.
4) Prospero calls him<~~?? a liar who responds better to the whip than to kindness. (who can be influenced only by punishment and not by kindness). <~~First phrasing is better although both would work.
5) Prospero says that in the past he took good care of Caliban and let him stay in his own hut until Caliban tried to his<~~?? daughter. Caliban replies that if Prospero hadn't stopped him, Caliban would have filled the island with a race of Calibans.
6) Miranda calls him a horrid slave, who can't be trained to be good, and who is capable of all things evil. In the past she pitied him, worked hard to teach him to speak, and taught him something new practically every hour.
7) When he didn't know what he was saying and was babbling like an animal, she helped him find words to make his point understandable.
Check and compare VERY CAREFULLY to catch all the large and small corrections.