thank you for you time i just want to see if i did my work correct.i will put the questions and answers and on the bottom of that i will put my answer.
now as the train bears west,
its rhythm rocks the earth,
and from my Pullman berth i stare into the night while others take their rest.
bridges of iron lace,a suddenness of trees,
a lap of mountain mist all cross my line of sight,
then a bleak wasted place,
and a lake below my knees.
full on my neck i fell the straining at a curve;
my muscles move with the steel,
i wake in every nerve.i watch a beacon swing from dark to blazing bright;
we thunder through ravines and gullies washed with light.beyond the mountain pass mist deepens on the pane; we rush into a rain that rattles double glass. wheels shake the roadbed stone,the pistons jerk and shove, i stay up half the night to see the land i love
1)which of these best describes the poet?
2)how is the poet probably different from the other passengers?
F)he is awake most of the night
G)he is nervous about train travel.
H)he is uncomfortable with his surroundings.
J)he is making this trip for the first time
3)what is the poet suggesting by the line "a suddenness of trees"?
A)the trees are to close.
B)the train is going fast.
C)the trees are very large.
D)the train windows are open.
4)which of these is suggested by the line "my muscles move with steel
F)the poet is very calm and fearless
G)the poet brags about his physical strength.
H)the poet is wearing a metal brace as protection
J)the poet responds physically to the motion of the train.
5)which of these best explains the phrase "gullies washed with light"?
A) a lightning a storm flares over the mountains.
B)the sky grows pale with the appearance of dawn
C)land near the track is lighted by the passing train.
D)flashlights in the windows illuminate the scenery.
6)which of these happens last in the poem?
F)the train travels west.
G)the train crosses a bridge.
H)the train goes over a mountain.
J)the train passes through a rainstorm.
7)which of these best tells why the poet probably wrote the poem?
A)to record the beauty of the countryside.
B)to tell about an his lifelong fears of dark.
C)to state an opinion about modern train travel
D)to describe his response to landscape viewed from a train
number:1 D
number:2 G
number:3 B
number:4 J
number:5 B
number:6 H
number:7 D
thank you so much for your time and effort to help me
5 answers