Text A

Butterfly Life Cycle
by Alecia Strohl

A butterfly goes through four stages in its life cycle. It starts as an egg, hatches into a larva, transforms inside a chrysalis, and lives its adult life as a butterfly. Butterflies begin their lives in small, round eggs, usually found in groups on the undersides of leaves. When these eggs hatch, larvae emerge. The larvae form of a butterfly is a caterpillar, which is an insect with several legs and a wormlike, fuzzy body. Caterpillars spend most of their time eating, starting with the leaves they hatch on. Caterpillars eat constantly so they can grow quickly. When a caterpillar has finished growing, it will form a pupa, where it will transform into a butterfly. The pupa in which a butterfly transforms is called a chrysalis. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar changes quickly. It grows wings, limbs, and organs of an adult butterfly. When it is fully formed, it will emerge from its chrysalis. As an adult, the butterfly will reproduce to continue the life cycle.

Text B
Frog Life Cycle
by Alecia Strohl

A frog's life cycle can be divided into five stages. Tadpoles hatch from eggs and eventually grows small legs. The legged tadpole becomes a froglet, and finally transforms into an adult. Eggs are laid in large groups in or near water. Adult frogs can lay up to 4,000 eggs at a time. Tadpoles hatch from eggs, and spend most of their time eating and growing. Tadpoles have tails to help them swim and they breathe with gills. The third stage of a frog's life begins when the tadpole starts growing legs. Its body grows longer and its head begins to change shape. In the fourth stage, the tadpole with legs becomes a froglet, breathing with lungs and losing its tail. In the final stage, the frog has become an adult. The adult frog lives on land and has no tail. As an adult frog, it will continue the life cycle through reproduction. Adult female frogs will lay more masses of eggs to start the cycle again.
Question 1
Based on the information in both texts, what is something the butterfly and frog life cycles have in common?
A Both life cycles include both a pupa and an egg stage.Both life cycles include both a pupa and an egg stage.
B The two life cycles take place in both land and water.The two life cycles take place in both land and water.
C Both butterflies and frogs lay their eggs in or near water.Both butterflies and frogs lay their eggs in or near water.
D Laying eggs is part of both butterfly and frog life cycles.Laying eggs is part of both butterfly and frog life cycles.
Question 2
Based on the information in both texts, what is a difference between the butterfly and frog life cycles?
A Frogs lose their tails and also grow gills and legs while in a pupa stage.Frogs lose their tails and also grow gills and legs while in a pupa stage.
B Butterflies go through a pupa stage, and only frogs go through an egg stage.Butterflies go through a pupa stage, and only frogs go through an egg stage.
C Butterflies transform in a pupa stage, and frogs transform while living in water.Butterflies transform in a pupa stage, and frogs transform while living in water.
D Butterflies lay eggs in large masses, while frogs lay their eggs in small clusters.Butterflies lay eggs in large masses, while frogs lay their eggs in small clusters.
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1 answer

Question 1: Based on the information in both texts, what is something the butterfly and frog life cycles have in common?
Response: D. Laying eggs is part of both butterfly and frog life cycles.

Question 2: Based on the information in both texts, what is a difference between the butterfly and frog life cycles?
Response: C. Butterflies transform in a pupa stage, and frogs transform while living in water.