Text 1: Our school should not be cutting back on its art classes but expanding them. Art is an opportunity for students to develop a unique set of skills and engage other areas of the brain than the analytical work that is the focus of math, science, and even English classes. All students, whether they consider themselves artistic or not, benefit from exploring their creative side and challenging themselves to make a beautiful, interesting, or provocative work of art.

Text 2: It's hard to believe our school is thinking of cutting back on the art department. That's a terrible idea! So many kids love their painting, sculpture, and illustration classes. Art is a great way to be creative and make amazing works of art.
Instead of making cuts, why don't they add in some new art classes, like computer animation?Choose whether each style element appears in Text 1 or Text 2.
(2 points)

Text 1
Text 2
Uses contractions

More complex syntax

Uses more advanced language

Formal style

Informal style

3 answers

Here’s the analysis of the style elements as they appear in Text 1 and Text 2:

Text 1

  • Uses contractions: No
  • More complex syntax: Yes
  • Uses more advanced language: Yes
  • Formal style: Yes
  • Informal style: No

Text 2

  • Uses contractions: Yes
  • More complex syntax: No
  • Uses more advanced language: No
  • Formal style: No
  • Informal style: Yes
Its one font

If the elements are to be assigned to either Text 1 or Text 2 based on your request, here's a more succinct summary:

Text 1

  • Uses contractions: No
  • More complex syntax: Yes
  • Uses more advanced language: Yes
  • Formal style: Yes
  • Informal style: No

Text 2

  • Uses contractions: Yes
  • More complex syntax: No
  • Uses more advanced language: No
  • Formal style: No
  • Informal style: Yes

If there is only one font, both texts would share the same visual presentation style, but the language and tone differ significantly between the two.