Tengo una prima. ______ prima se llama Carla.
a. mi
b. mis
c. tu
d. vuestra
Ellos tienen un hermanastro. _____ hermanastro es Juan.
a. mi
b. tu
c. su
d. vuestro
Nosotras tenemos un perro. ____ perro se llama Osito.
a. nuestra
b. nuestro
c. nuestras
d. nuestros
which statement best describes the meaning of "onomastico"?
a. the feast day of the saint for whom someone is named.
B.the birthday of the saint for whom someone is named.
c. someones birthday
d. a girls fifteenth birthday
El hermano de mi madre es mi _____.
a. hermano
b. tio
c. padre
d. abuelo
La esposa de mi abuelo es mi _____.
a. tia
b. madre
c. abuela
d. hermana
which of the following is not typically found at a quinceanera celebration?
a. formal clothes
b. a waltz
c. ribbons with the girls name and date of party
d. performing clowns
complete the sentences with the correct form of the correct form of the verb tener.
Yo ____ un perro.
a. tiene
b. tenemos
c. tienes
d. tengo
what is the purpose of thequinceanera?
a. to celebrate a boys coming of age when he turns 15
b. to celebrate a boy or girls sweet 16
c. to celebrate a girls coming of the age when she turns 15
d. to celebrate a boy or girls 18th birthday
1 answer
c. su
a. nuestra
a. the feast day of the saint for whom someone is named
b. tio
c. abuela
d. performing clowns
d. tengo
c. to celebrate a girls coming of age when she turns 15