177 + 0.00506(T-28.7)177 = 116.
177 + 0.8956(T-28.7) = 116.
177 + 0.8956T-25.7 = 116.
0.8956T + 151.3 = 116.
0.8956T = 116-151.3 = -35.3.
T = -39.4oC.
Temperatures are often measured with electrical resistance thermometers. Suppose that the resistance of such a resistance thermometer is 177Ω when its temperature is 28.7 °C. The wire is then immersed in a liquid, and the resistance drops to 116Ω. The temperature coefficient of resistivity of the thermometer resistance is α =5.06 x 10-3 (C°)-1. What is the temperature of the liquid?
2 answers
Searches related to An object is heated and then allowed to cool when the temperature is 70 deg. its rate of cooling is 3 deg, celcius perminute and when the temperature is 60 deg. celcius, the rate of cooling is 2.5 deg. celcius per minute. Determine the temperature of the surroundings