Language Background: I come from a non-English speaking country, where my first language is [insert your language]. I have been learning English for [insert duration] and sometimes I struggle with pronunciation and understanding idioms or cultural references. I would appreciate your support in allowing me to ask questions if I don’t understand something and providing extra resources like videos or articles in simple English. This will help me build my confidence and improve my speaking and listening skills.
Learning Style: I learn best through visual aids and hands-on activities. I find it helpful when lessons include pictures, diagrams, or videos that explain concepts visually. If I can participate in group activities or projects, I tend to grasp the material better and feel more engaged. I would love for you to incorporate interactive elements in our lessons so I can actively participate and practice my English in a fun way.
Goals and Motivation: My main goal in this class is to improve my English speaking and writing skills so I can communicate more effectively and feel comfortable in conversations. I am motivated to do well because I want to succeed in my future studies and build relationships with my peers. It would help me a lot if you could check in on my progress regularly and provide constructive feedback on my assignments. Additionally, encouragement and praise for my efforts would boost my confidence and keep me motivated.
Tell me 3 things about yourself that will allow me to support and encourage your success in this class (be specific and detailed).
(write as an ESL student)
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