This is the unit 3 culminating project. You will draw upon the knowledge you have gained by the lessons in this unit and gain new knowledge from your research to complete this assignment.

Choose a technology product that currently is widely used in business. Using the internet for research, prepare a report or presentation that answers the following questions:

Origin of Idea – When was this product introduced to the marketplace?
Product modification - How has the product been modified over time, particularly modifications that made it more useful to business in general.
How has the product changed the way business is conducted? What business innovations have occurred as a result of this product being offered?
What competitors have joined the market since the introduction of this product. How have they differentiated their product, particularly to businesses?
In reviewing the advertising for this product, who would you say the target market is? Give examples. Which types of businesses might benefit most from this product?
What is the current price of this product? How has the price changed?
Include pictures of this product. Pictures from when it was created and now.
What business uses do you see for this product in the future? What innovations would need to be made to make that possible?

Your presentation must have at least 10 slides. A title slide, a slide for each question, and a Works Cited Page.
The middle slides should introduce several facts and should contain 4 to 7 lines
Follow the presentation guidelines. Click here for the guidelines.
Each slide will be worth up to 10 points

1 answer

Grading Rubric:

1. Origin of Idea - 10 points
- Accurate information about when the product was introduced to the marketplace
- Clear explanation of the historical context of the product's introduction

2. Product modification - 10 points
- Thorough examination of the product's modifications over time, particularly those that made it more useful to business
- Identification of specific modifications and their impact on business usage

3. Impact on business - 10 points
- Detailed analysis of how the product has changed the way business is conducted
- Identification of specific business innovations that have occurred as a result of the product being offered

4. Competitors and differentiation - 10 points
- Identification and description of competitors that have entered the market since the introduction of the product
- Explanation of how these competitors have differentiated their products, specifically targeting businesses

5. Target market - 10 points
- Clear analysis of the target market for the product based on advertising research
- Examples provided to support the identification of the target market
- Discussion of which types of businesses may benefit most from the product

6. Current price - 10 points
- Accurate information on the current price of the product
- Comparison of the current price to the price at the time of its introduction

7. Pictures - 10 points
- Inclusion of relevant pictures of the product, showcasing its original design and its current version
- Clear labeling and reference to the pictures in the presentation

8. Future business uses and innovations - 10 points
- Thoughtful exploration of potential future business uses for the product
- Identification of necessary innovations that would need to be made to make those future uses possible

9. Slide requirements - 10 points
- Adherence to the requirement of at least 10 slides, including a title slide, a slide for each question, and a Works Cited Page
- Each slide should contain 4 to 7 lines of content, following the presentation guidelines

10. Overall presentation - 10 points
- Quality of presentation slides in terms of organization, clarity, and visual appeal
- Coherent and cohesive flow of information throughout the presentation

Note: The total points for the project is 100.