Technology and Communication Paper
· Prepare a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper that explains how technology has affected the communication capabilities of specialized databases in the criminal justice system.
· Include the following in your paper:
o A comparison of at least two types of specialized databases, such as the following:
· Mobile data terminals
· Live scan
· Facial recognition
· Iris scan
o Overall positive effect due to new technologies
o Overall negative effect due to new technologies
o A discussion about which new specialized technologies you might want to use and why
9 answers
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I am lost and have no clue what to even write about
I have never used this before and curious on what kind of help I could actually get
1. Start with your topic: Technology has affected the communication capabilities of specialized databases in the criminal justice system.
2. Choose two of the listed databases.
3. Follow these instructions about your two databases:
o Overall positive effect due to new technologies
o Overall negative effect due to new technologies
o A discussion about which new specialized technologies you might want to use and why
Be sure to take notes and make an outline of the positive and negative effects.
4. Finally decide which of these technologies you'd want to use. Why?
2. Choose two of the listed databases.
3. Follow these instructions about your two databases:
o Overall positive effect due to new technologies
o Overall negative effect due to new technologies
o A discussion about which new specialized technologies you might want to use and why
Be sure to take notes and make an outline of the positive and negative effects.
4. Finally decide which of these technologies you'd want to use. Why?
The thing is I cant find much information to put this paper together the correct way
Which databases did you choose?
AFIS Facial recognition
Read these sites carefully and take notes. What are the positive and negative effects?
Ms. Sue, thank you for the help on this paper. I was having a difficult time trying to figure out where to start. Sometimes it takes someone else to point it out for you.