According to current scientific understanding, particles with mass cannot accelerate past the speed of light in a vacuum. This is a fundamental principle of Special Relativity. However, there are theoretical concepts such as tachyons (hypothetical particles that always travel faster than light) that have been proposed, but their existence has not been confirmed.
Cherenkov electrons can indeed travel faster than the speed of light in a medium such as water or glass, but not in a vacuum. This phenomenon is known as Cherenkov radiation.
The expansion of the universe itself does not involve objects or particles moving through space at speeds faster than light. Instead, the expansion is a stretching of space itself between galaxies and not a movement of objects through space.
Entangled particles, which exhibit a mysterious connection where the state of one particle instantly influences the state of another regardless of distance, do not violate the speed of light limit as they do not transmit information or physical objects faster than light.
Overall, while there are some phenomena or theoretical concepts that may involve speeds faster than light under certain conditions, the general consensus in physics is that objects with mass cannot accelerate past the speed of light in a vacuum.
Takyon particles (theoretical)
Cherenkov electrons
The expansion of the universe
Entangled particles (theoretical as well)
can these things accelerate past the speed of light?
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