Take one of the Emotional Intelligence tests at the sites listed below. Reflect on your results and explore ways that you might develop an enhanced emotional IQ.

The sites below have informal self-administered surveys that introduce the concept of EI in an interesting and personal way. There are also links at these sites to follow-up on EQ assessment and enhancement approaches.

discoveryhealth site

ihhp testsite

Define the main biological influences of psychology.
Describe cognitive and psycho-social components of human development.
Distinguish differing schools of psychology.
Describe major perspectives of psychological science.
Apply critical thinking skills to the content of the course.
Explain normal and pathological behavior.

1 answer

Clearly, only you can do this. The first sentence of the instructions make it obvious.

This is all about you, no one else. Once you have written up your reactions, you can post them if you would like someone here to comment.