Africa: Political and economic interests were the main motivations for imperial nations in Africa from 1800-1914. For example, in 1884, the Berlin Conference was held to divide up Africa among the European powers. This was a political move to gain control of the continent and its resources. Additionally, in the late 19th century, the British South Africa Company was formed to exploit the mineral wealth of the region. This was an economic move to gain access to valuable resources.
Asia: Social and economic interests were the main motivations for imperial nations in Asia from 1800-1914. For example, in the late 19th century, the British East India Company was formed to gain control of the Indian subcontinent. This was a social move to gain control of the region and its people. Additionally, in the late 19th century, the British and French competed for control of Indochina. This was an economic move to gain access to valuable resources.
take africa and asia and identify wether political ,social or econmic intrests were the main modivation for imperiallist nations in each region. then use at least two examples as from 1800-1914 to support it
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