tains A and train B are travling in the same dicrtion on a parral track train A is traving 60 mph and train B is traviling 70 mph train A passes a staion at 11.15 am and train B passes the same station at 11.45 am at what time will train B catch up to train A

5 answers

B takes time t hr
A takes time (t+1/2) hr
they both go the same distance
70 t =60(t+.5)
70 t = 60 t + 30
t = 3 hours
3 + 11:45 = 2:45 pm
thank you so much im not to good at algebra and this is a very important test thank s again
If I knew it was a test I would not have given you an explicit answer.
its not a test test its a practice one for i know what to look forward to this coming week in my class
Whew !