Tabulate the differences between natural and artificial selection under the following:

1.process occurs under Natural selection,
2. Driven by under Natural selection,
3. Rate of change under natural selection,
4. consenquences under natural selection,

1 answer

1. Process occurs under Natural selection
Natural Selection: Selection of traits occurs naturally in response to environmental pressures.
Artificial Selection: Selection of traits is carried out intentionally by humans for desired characteristics.

2. Driven by under Natural selection
Natural Selection: Driven by survival and reproductive success, where individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and pass on their genes.
Artificial Selection: Driven by human preferences, where individuals with desired traits are selected for breeding.

3. Rate of change under natural selection
Natural Selection: The rate of change is gradual and occurs over many generations as advantageous traits become more prevalent in a population.
Artificial Selection: The rate of change can be relatively fast, as humans can selectively breed individuals with desired traits in a controlled manner.

4. Consequences under natural selection
Natural Selection: Results in populations becoming better adapted to their environment, as advantageous traits are favored over time.
Artificial Selection: Can result in populations with extreme and sometimes unnatural variations in traits, as humans may prioritize specific traits that may not necessarily benefit the organism in its natural environment.