1. Idea generation: At this stage, devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops, or desktops might be used to jot down ideas, brainstorm, and research.
2. Concept development: Here, devices like laptops, desktops, or tablets may be used to further research and develop concepts, create outlines or mind maps, and create presentations for pitching ideas.
3. Design and prototyping: In this stage, devices like tablets or 2-in-1 laptops may be used to create 2D or 3D designs, sketch out ideas, and create prototypes.
4. Testing and analysis: During testing, devices like smartphones, tablets, or laptops may be used to gather data, run tests, and analyze results.
5. Launch and production: During production, devices like computers or tablets may be used to oversee the manufacturing process, track inventory, and manage logistics.
Examples of devices used in each stage include:
1. Idea generation: Smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops.
2. Concept development: Laptops, desktops, tablets.
3. Design and prototyping: Tablets, 2-in-1 laptops.
4. Testing and analysis: Smartphones, tablets, laptops.
5. Launch and production: Desktops, tablets.
Tablet the stages and List example of device used used each stages
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