To find the change in elevation from the summit of Mount Washington to Carter Notch Hut, we can subtract the elevation of Carter Notch Hut from the elevation of Mount Washington.
The elevation of Mount Washington = 6,288 ft
The elevation of Carter Notch Hut = 3,288 ft
Change in elevation = Elevation at Mount Washington - Elevation at Carter Notch Hut
Change in elevation = 6,288 ft - 3,288 ft = 3,000 ft
Since they are descending from the summit to Carter Notch Hut, this change in elevation will be negative:
Change in elevation = -3,000 ft
On the number line provided, the closest point to -3,000 is:
-4000 -3000 3000 4000
So, the correct answer representing the change of elevation in feet is –3000.