Valparaiso, Chile would likely be colder than Sydney, Australia. This is because of the influence of ocean currents on temperature. Sydney is located in the southern hemisphere and is influenced by the warm ocean currents of the Pacific Ocean, which help to moderate its temperatures. Valparaiso, on the other hand, is located along the west coast of South America, which is influenced by the cold Humboldt Current. This current brings cold water from Antarctica up the coast of Chile, resulting in cooler temperatures in Valparaiso compared to Sydney.
Additionally, Valparaiso is located at a higher latitude than Sydney, which generally means colder temperatures. The tilt of the Earth's axis causes sunlight to hit the Earth at different angles at different latitudes, leading to variations in temperature.
Overall, while Sydney and Valparaiso may be located at the same distance from the equator, the influence of ocean currents and latitude are significant factors in determining the temperature of each location. Therefore, Valparaiso would likely be colder than Sydney.
Sydney and Valparaiso are the same distance from the equator and both are near the ocean. Is Valparaiso warmer, colder, or the same temperature as Sydney? Explain why as completely as you can.
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