In the 2020 Election, Tennessee and Texas both went for the Republican candidate, Donald Trump. If we were to switch the electoral votes in these two states with the outcome of the election (giving those votes to the loser, Joe Biden), the outcome of the election would still remain the same.
Tennessee has 11 electoral votes, and Texas has 38 electoral votes. If we were to give these votes to Joe Biden instead of Donald Trump, the final electoral count would be 334 for Biden and 204 for Trump. This means that Joe Biden would still have won the election and become the President of the United States.
Therefore, even if Tennessee and Texas had gone the other way in the 2020 Election, the outcome would not change as Joe Biden would still have enough electoral votes to win the presidency.
Switch the electoral votes in your states with the outcome of the 2020 Election (give those votes to the loser and recalculate. If either of Tennessee or Texas had gone the “other way” would the outcome of the 2020 election change? If so, which state and why? If not, why not?
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