Swimming Strokes by Lee Carroll

Paragraph 3: The second type of stroke-the breast stroke-is my favorite, since it feels the most natural. Here the kick became very important. In the past, the frog kick was popular, but today this had been largely supplanted by whip kicks. To do a whip kick, separate your legs, you should bend your knees, and point your calves and feet up toward the surface of the water. Push your feet down though the water, and you should whip your legs together. At the same time, you will make a heart-shaped movement through the water to pull yourself forward. Unlike with the crawl, your breathing coordinates easily with the lift of your head and shoulders. As your hands came forward in the water to form the point of the heart, lift your shoulders and head from the water and breathe. As your arms pull back to form the body of the heart, you should place your head back in the water.
How many errors are there in paragraph 3 relating to subject-verb agreement and parallelism?
In paragraph 3 of Swimming Strokes by Lee Carroll, I found 3 errors in subject-verb agreement and 3 errors in parallelism. Are these answers correct because all the errors in the passage range from 0 errors to 3 errors and nothing higher than 3 errors in each paragraph?

1 answer

Until you tell us what you think the errors are, there's no way for us to tell.