Susie, Sally, and Serena are roommates. Susie and Sally are neat freaks, but Serena is a slob. Both Susie and Sally want to use reinforcement to get Serena to start picking up her messes. Susie wants to use positive reinforcement as her technique, and Sally wants to use negative reinforcement. Devise a plan for Susie and another for Sally based on each person’s reinforcement style.
I have a plan for what Susie can do but I really do not know what Sally could do! Please help! Thanks
2 answers
Sally could yell at Serena. She could further mess up Serena's stuff. She could stop talking to Serena.
Negative reinforcement is reinforcing by taking away an aversive stimulus.
What aversive stimulus could Sally apply that could be removed when Serena starts picking up after herself? Ms. Sue has given you some suggestions, but the last one sounds the best of the three. It could be expanded by ignoring Serena completely. Do you have a better alternative?
What aversive stimulus could Sally apply that could be removed when Serena starts picking up after herself? Ms. Sue has given you some suggestions, but the last one sounds the best of the three. It could be expanded by ignoring Serena completely. Do you have a better alternative?