Survey Questions

Surveys are developed to find data about a sample, or representative, population. This can help determine what a larger population thinks about a specific topic.
The following are some questions to think about in order to develop an effective survey.
What Data do I Want to Collect?
State your objective.
Consider why you are completing this survey.
Who is My Audience?
Write specifically for your audience.
Don’t use terms that might be unclear to your audience.
What Type of Questions Do I Want to Use?
Brainstorm a list of different questions and question types:
multiple choice – Provide several choices for the people to choose the answer with which they agree.
ratings scale – Provide a ratings scale to allow people to choose how strongly they agree or disagree with a statement.
short answer – Provide a question and allow the people to respond in their own words.
Make your questions clear. Do not create questions that require more than one answer.

Make your questions understandable and to the point. Do not create confusing questions.

Eliminate questions that don’t provide the data for which you are looking.
Are My Questions Unbiased?
You want fair, or unbiased, questions that don’t persuade the population to respond in a certain way. Review the following example of an unbiased question and a biased question:
biased – Why is traffic such a problem in our city?
unbiased – What do you think about traffic in our city?
Answer the following questions to see how well you understand creating effective surveys.
What makes a good survey question?

What should you try to avoid when creating survey questions?
use questions on favorite food

3 answers

What Makes a Good Survey Question?

  1. Clarity: Good survey questions are straightforward and easy to understand. They avoid jargon and complex language, ensuring respondents fully grasp what is being asked.

  2. Specificity: Questions should be specific enough to elicit focused answers. Vague questions can lead to ambiguous responses, making the data difficult to analyze.

  3. Unbiased: Questions should be neutral, without leading or suggestive phrasing that might influence the respondent's answer.

  4. Appropriate Type: Selecting the right type of question (multiple choice, rating scale, short answer) is crucial for collecting the desired data effectively.

  5. Relevance: Each question should be directly related to the objective of the survey, ensuring that all collected data serves a clear purpose.

  6. Simplicity: Avoid double-barreled questions that require multiple answers or are too complicated. Each question should seek a single piece of information.

What Should You Try to Avoid When Creating Survey Questions?

  1. Leading Questions: Avoid questions that suggest a particular response. For instance, "Don't you think our community should support local businesses?" is biased.

  2. Confusing Language: Steer clear of technical terms or complicated wording that may not be understood by the audience.

  3. Ambiguous Questions: Questions that can be interpreted in multiple ways should be rephrased for clarity. For example, "Do you think the service was good?" is vague unless followed by specific criteria.

  4. Multiple Questions in One: Don't ask two questions at once—like "How would you rate our food and service?"—as it can confuse respondents about which part they are rating.

  5. Assumptive Questions: Avoid questions that assume certain opinions or experiences. An example would be, "How often do you order spicy food?" This presumes the respondent orders spicy food, which might not be true.

Example Questions on Favorite Food

Here are some example survey questions focusing on the topic of favorite food, designed to adhere to the best practices outlined above:

  1. Multiple Choice:

    • What is your favorite type of cuisine?
      • a) Italian
      • b) Mexican
      • c) Chinese
      • d) Indian
      • e) Other (please specify)
  2. Rating Scale:

    • On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you enjoy trying new foods?
      • 1 (Not at all) to 5 (Very much)
  3. Short Answer:

    • What is your favorite dish and why do you like it?
  4. Multiple Choice:

    • How frequently do you eat out at restaurants?
      • a) Never
      • b) Once a month
      • c) Once a week
      • d) More than once a week
  5. Rating Scale:

    • How would you rate the importance of healthy options in your meal choices?
      • 1 (Not important) to 5 (Very important)

By adhering to these guidelines, your survey on favorite foods will be clearer and more effective in gathering valuable insights.

make a survey on favorite food

Certainly! Here’s a sample survey focused on favorite foods. You can modify it according to your specific audience or the data you wish to collect.

Favorite Food Survey

Introduction: Thank you for participating in our Favorite Food Survey! Your responses will help us understand food preferences better. Your answers will remain confidential.

Section 1: Demographics (Optional)

  1. Age:

    • [ ] Under 18
    • [ ] 18-24
    • [ ] 25-34
    • [ ] 35-44
    • [ ] 45-54
    • [ ] 55-64
    • [ ] 65 and above
  2. Gender:

    • [ ] Male
    • [ ] Female
    • [ ] Non-binary/Third gender
    • [ ] Prefer not to say
  3. Location:

    • _______________ (City/State/Country)

Section 2: Food Preferences

  1. What is your favorite type of cuisine?

    • [ ] Italian
    • [ ] Mexican
    • [ ] Chinese
    • [ ] Indian
    • [ ] American
    • [ ] Mediterranean
    • [ ] Asian
    • [ ] Other (please specify): _______________
  2. Which dish do you enjoy the most? (Please specify):

  3. How often do you try new foods?

    • [ ] Never
    • [ ] Rarely
    • [ ] Sometimes
    • [ ] Often
    • [ ] Always
  4. On a scale from 1 to 5, how important is healthy eating to you?

    • 1 (Not important) to 5 (Very important):
    • [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
  5. When dining out, how do you typically choose a restaurant? (Select all that apply)

    • [ ] Recommendations from friends/family
    • [ ] Online reviews
    • [ ] Social media
    • [ ] Location convenience
    • [ ] Menu variety
    • [ ] Price
    • [ ] Other (please specify): _______________

Section 3: Personal Experiences

  1. What is your least favorite food and why?

  2. Do you have any dietary restrictions?

    • [ ] Yes (please specify): _______________
    • [ ] No
  3. What food-related experience would you consider your best memory?

Conclusion: Thank you for your participation! Your feedback is valuable and will help us understand food preferences better.

Feel free to adjust any questions, add more options, or make it more specific to your target audience. You can also consider using an online survey platform like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform for ease of distribution and data collection.