Surely no one could blame you for your careless acts you have inputted towards the younger generations. You have degraded, deluded the innocents. They have no concept that this cruel cosmetic surgery can scar their life permanently.
How should i improve this sentence.
It's about cosmetic surgery how it can affect their life.What words should i remove
10 answers
I don't understand why you're including this: "Surely no one could blame you for your careless acts" <~~That seems to contradict everything else you've written.
Welll i'm writing to a cosmetic surgeon.
The first part of that first sentence, then, comes across as sarcasm, and it doesn't work -- because it contradicts everything else.
Try this -- or something similar:
I believe you have acted carelessly toward the younger generation by deluding them into thinking they need cosmetic surgery. They have no idea that unnecessary cosmetic surgery can scar them permanently.
Try this -- or something similar:
I believe you have acted carelessly toward the younger generation by deluding them into thinking they need cosmetic surgery. They have no idea that unnecessary cosmetic surgery can scar them permanently.
thank you
Surely no one could blame you for your careless acts you have committed during your process of altering their uniqueness towards the younger generations. You have degraded their sense of identity, deluded the innocents. They have no concept that this horrible cosmetic surgery can scar their life permanently.
So is that wrong
You're still contradicting yourself.
First you say "no one could blame you" but then later you say "you have degraded..."
I'm sorry you saw fit to disregard my suggestions about writing this. Write what you want.
First you say "no one could blame you" but then later you say "you have degraded..."
I'm sorry you saw fit to disregard my suggestions about writing this. Write what you want.
Calm down I didn't know
What didn't you know? You didn't know that reading what Writeacher posted could help you???
Litson Carfully