suppose you purchase a home for $150,000.and obtain a 90% mortgage loan, 30 yr. maturity, at a fixed annual interest rate of 80% with deferred monthly payments. What is the monthly payment for principal and interest on this loan?
4 answers
Whoa! I think your 80% interest rate is wrong. Please recheck your figures.
sorry it is supposed to be 8.0% fixed interest rate.
Ahh -- that's better. :-)
First you need to find the amount of the mortgage by multiplying $150,000 by .9.
Your teacher may want you to use a mathematical formula to calculate the monthly payments. But you can check your work by plugging your numbers into this site.
First you need to find the amount of the mortgage by multiplying $150,000 by .9.
Your teacher may want you to use a mathematical formula to calculate the monthly payments. But you can check your work by plugging your numbers into this site.