Suppose you have to establish a new company. Suggest in which item or items company should deal. How much sale of the item is required in order to reach at break even point depending on the suggested price of item, production capacity, fixed and variable cost associated with the item? Businesses have to plan for the future. Since equipment breaks down or wears out, business owners have to have the money to replace the equipment. In addition, money might be set aside for retirement benefits for their employees. Suggest if the company need to set aside the lump sum of money that will collect interest or company should purchase annuities. Support your suggestion with argument.

3 answers

What kind of a company do you want to establish?

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For you to learn, you need to do the work yourself. Although it requires much time and effort, you will receive the reward of learning, so it will help you deal with similar situations in the future. Good luck!
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