Suppose we want to estimate the average number of purchases in a given hour in a local convenience store. Using this example describe in your own words how you would go about determining this average through:
A.) Drawing a random sample: Drawing a random sample would be the most effective way to determine this out come of this for you have a certain amount of time which is 60 minutes, where in this time period we factor many variables such as time of day, work week or week end, or even a holiday would make the outcome be different of a random sample.
B.) A Systematic sample: could be used also be used due to determining how many purchases are made in an hour, but population isn't what is being counted just purchases.
C.) A convenient sample: This could also be used as a method of determining the outcome of an hour of purchases at a convenient store; because the population in this one not necessarily mean that a purchase will be made while in their, the variables to this problem include, going in for direction, using the restroom or as simple as just browsing to stretch your legs after a long period of time in a car .
II. The severity of side effects experienced by patients being treated with a particular medicine is under study. The severity is measured on the scale :none, mild, moderate, severe, very severe.
A.) Name a variable of interest: the side effects are the most important variable of interest due to the scale of severity. Each person reacts or has a different level of tolerance.
B.) Identify the type of variable: Risk factors, are a variable to the outcome of this , some of the factors that can give you the results that you are looking for. There are many variable here for this, but age, sex, gender, physical shape, if you have a high or low tolerance to certain drugs can be a determining factor on the outcome of this experiment .
I certainly hope this is right.