Suppose we initially had n qubits in the state |ψ⟩=∑x∈{0,1}nαx|x⟩, on which we were going to perform Fourier sampling (i.e. perform Hadamard transform H⊗n and sample). Unfortunately, a clumsy lab assistant mistakenly applied X to one of the qubits and forgot which one it was.

3a. Suppose we initially had n qubits in the state |ψ⟩=∑x∈{0,1}nαx|x⟩, on which we were going to perform Fourier sampling (i.e. perform Hadamard transform H⊗n and sample). Unfortunately, a clumsy lab assistant mistakenly applied X to one of the qubits and forgot which one it was.

5 answers

Hi Elviria, do you have any answer for this exam?
what is that?
Another way to view it is to say that |ψ′⟩=Xi|ψ⟩ where Xi means X applied on the i-th qubit. We would like to claim that the application of Xi to the original state is effectively the same as applying some A to the i-th qubit after the Hadamard transform, i.e, H⊗n|ψ′⟩=H⊗nXi|ψ⟩=AiH⊗n|ψ⟩. What is A?

3A .βx′=(−1)xiβx