. Suppose that two players are playing the following game. Player 1 can choose either Top or Bottom, and Player 2 can choose either Left or Right. The payoffs are given in the following table:

Player 2

Player 1 Left Right
Top 9 4 2 5
Bottom 1 0 3 1

Where the number on the left is the payoff to Player A, and the number on the right is the payoff to Player B.

A) Does player 1 have a dominant strategy, and if so what is it?

B) Does player 2 have a dominant strategy and if so what is it?

C) Determine the Nash equilibrium of this game. If there are no equilibrium in pure strategies, then say so. Otherwise, indicate what the equilibrium are by the strategies that would be chosen (i.e. Top/Left or Bottom/Right).

D) If each player plays their maximin strategy, what payoff will each of them receive?