Suppose that f (x) is a function such that the relationship given below is true.
f (3 + h) - f (3) = 9h^2 + 8h
(a) What is f '(3)?
(b) What is the slope of the secant line through (3, f (3)) and (7, f (7))?
3 answers
Please do not use shortcuts(from future chapters) and show steps so i can see whats going on
if you recall the definition of a derivative is
lim h->0 [f(x+h)-f(x)]/h
you're given:
f (3 + h) - f (3) = 9h^2 + 8h
just divide h so that you get f'(3)
and take the lim h->0
(b) just take the slope:
lim h->0 [f(x+h)-f(x)]/h
you're given:
f (3 + h) - f (3) = 9h^2 + 8h
just divide h so that you get f'(3)
and take the lim h->0
(b) just take the slope:
i did try that before posting the question, it gave a wrong answer.