Suppose a particular kind of adhesive is marketed as a good way to unclog pores. The adhesive advertises that it "works 66% better" than a specific, popular pore-cleansing daily face wash. The adhesive's instructions say it should be used once a week, and the wash says it should be used twice a day.

Which of the following statements is most likely to be true?
The adhesive removes 66% more blackheads with one use than the wash does with one use.
The adhesive can hold 66% more mass when used to stick weights to a surface than the wash can.
The adhesive is preferred over the wash for removing blackheads by 66% of the people surveyed.
The adhesive is a better choice for someone who wants a product to keep their pores clean.

1 answer

D. The adhesive is a better choice for someone who wants a product to keep their pores clean. Since the adhesive is said to work 66% better than the daily face wash, it is likely more effective at removing impurities from the pores when used once a week compared to the face wash used twice a day.