Superman rushes to save Lois Lane, who has fallen (has been pushed?) from a window 120 m above a crowded street. Superman swoops down in the nick of time, arriving when Lois is 2.0 m above the street and stopping her just at ground level. Lois has a mass of 65 kg. Ignore air resistance throughout.

(a) What is the impulse that Lois receives as Superman catches her?
__________kg¡Pm/s Direction

(b) If the force that Superman supplies in stopping Lois is constant, how long does it take for Lois to come to rest?

(c) What is the average force Superman applies to Lois?
________N Direction

Compare this to the force of gravity on her.
________✕ mg

Someone please help!!!! I solved part (a) but no clue how to do the rest.